New $1M Grant to Help Post-Baccalaureate Education Scholars - Lancaster Chamber of Commerce

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New $1M Grant to Help Post-Baccalaureate Education Scholars

Organization Recognition

Thanks to a $974,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education, scholars who are dually enrolled in the Special Education Post-Baccalaureate K-12 Certification and the Early Childhood, M.Ed. programs will have access to financial assistance.

Millersville University received one of just 13 national awards made by the U.S. Department of Education and is the only regional public school funded.

Dr. Elizabeth Powers-Costello, associate professor, was instrumental in securing this grant as project director. Dr. Deborah Tamakloe, associate professor and Special Education graduate coordinator, was also instrumental as co-project director. Other faculty and staff who assisted with securing the grant include Josh Belice and Drs. Rich Mehrenberg and Susannah Boyle.

“This distinction means a lot considering that MU was up against research-intensive universities. It sets us apart as a regional public university and places us on the national map,” says Tamakloe.

Tamakloe explains why this grant is so important, especially for those studying special education. “Special education has always been a national area of need, and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this problem,” she says. “We need to train personnel with the knowledge and skillset to implement evidence-based practices that improve outcomes for all students and their families, particularly students with disabilities.”

“Recruiting and supporting more students in the field of special education means addressing the national shortage and improving outcomes for the vulnerable population we serve,” she adds.

These funds will be available to scholars beginning next fall. In addition to providing financial assistance to ease any challenges associated with program costs, the funds will also be available to pay honorariums for mentors, offer professional development and support scholars during field placement and student teaching.

Students must be enrolled in both the Early Childhood, M.Ed. and the Special Education Post-Baccalaureate K-12 Certification programs to apply for this financial assistance.

“This award is a win for both the early childhood graduate programs and special education programs. It is a win for the College of Education and MU as a whole. This shows the hard work MU professors and administrators working within graduate programs put in to support our students and strengthen our programs,” she concludes.

For more information about post-baccalaureate education programs at Millersville, click here.

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