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Digital Marketing Specialist
This job exists to effectively communicate the vision and mission of Global Disciples to those who use the internet and other digital platforms as primary sources of information and conversation; to create interest and awareness for Global Disciples and extend fundraising efforts through multi-channel digital campaigns.
- Create and distribute all digital content related to website, blogs, podcasts, video, presentations, e-communications, reels, etc.
- Maintain day-to-day creation, management, and posting of digital and social campaigns.
- Develop and implement strategic SEO techniques to improve website visibility and organic search rankings, driving qualified traffic to Global
Disciples sites. - Track digital campaign performance, by providing regular metrics.
- Organize, maintain, and execute a calendar for social media and e-based interactions.
- Incorporate existing digital assets (audio, video, photographs, reels, and graphics) into content for distribution on social media platforms.
- Stay current with digital media technologies and trends.
- Design and send out emails for events and fundraising appeals using Hubspot.
- Post events to web-based community calendars, such as Facebook group events, regional websites, etc.
- Maintain content on WordPress-based website; create landing pages for events in Hubspot.
To learn more and apply, visit https://globaldisciples.org/participate/join-our-team/

Additional Info
Job Type : Full-Time
Job Function : Marketing
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